Joan Salvà Soler
Joan Salvà Soler

Joan Salvà Soler

Machine Learning
Software Engineering
Vienna, Austria

About me

I am a Master’s student at the Technical University of Vienna, and a Research Intern at Quantagonia. I am from Barcelona, and I live in Vienna.
I enjoy coding and working on hard computational / AI problems. I am passionate about ML and Operations Research equally. At the moment I see myself becoming a Software / Research Engineer after I finish my Master’s degree. But let’s see, I’d also consider doing a PhD.


My resume

  • Research Intern at Quantagonia (Nov 23 - Present)
    • Quantagonia is a startup focusing on optimization
    • As a research intern, I work on different topics including MIP solver development, or AI support for optimization
  • Teaching Assistant at TU Vienna (September 23 - Present)
  • Research Intern at SBA Research (Mar 23 - Nov 23)
    • Developed an ML solution for landslide identification in satellite imagery
  • Data Scientist at Accenture (April 21 - Oct 22)
    • Started as an intern, and later join as a full-time Data Scientist
    • Worked on projects like price optimization, demand forecasting, or staff scheduling
  • Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer Certification
This is a pdf version of my resume.


My Blog

I plan to post about projects, ideas, or insights related to what I do. But let’s see.


My publications

Currently zero 😿